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Mysticism Diaryring description

2001-08-23 - 5:54 p.m.

This diaryring is dedicated to those who study, are interested in, or who practice some form of mysticism, esoteric piety, self-cultivation, or related spiritual phenomenon. It is for anyone from any tradition who has an academic, spiritual, or even novel interest in the subject matter.

As defines it, mysticism is a belief in the existence of realities beyond conventional perceptual or intellectual apprehension that are central to being and directly accessible by subjective experience.

Most often, it is a system of understanding Life, The Universe, and Everything by trying to abstract exactly what each of those things are made up of and how they relate to one another. Some traditions use numbers, some complex symbol systems, music, meditation, and even dance to develop an understanding of how things function and connect.

To give a few examples:

For Sufis, self-cultivation and esoteric piety lead one to develop an innate understanding of Muhammad, Allah, and how one can follow their example and guidance, respectively, and either see or become one with Allah. Music in the form of special chants called dhikrs (zee-kurs), following the teachings of their teacher (a shaykh, or sheik to Americans), and complex prayer systems bring them to a deep understanding of themselves, the world, and how they are reflective and emblematic of God.

For old-school Hermeticists, science, religion, and philosophy are all one in the same thing. Although not developed as a full-blown movement until the late 17th century, its conception stretches back as far as the 3rd century B.C.E. The sciences and arts were considered to be sacred writings by these ancient scholars, who believed each book was divinely inspired by a living god. Through the sciences, arts, and other endeavors of human reason and thought, they believed that they could achieve a greater understanding of:

-How the human body functioned and how it could be healed, remain in a state of nutritional and mental balance

-How the sciences and arts functionally represented matter, ether, and all other universal components in their various forms and how these forms interacted with one another to achieve change (think of it as metaphysical chemistry).

-How humans related to their world through the manipulation of these sciences and arts

I am primarily an Hermeticist myself, but I've extensively studied many other fields of mysticism in a wide range of western traditions. My interests are primarily scholarly, but I used to be a practicioner.

If what I have said is interesting, please feel free to join, either to share your knowledge or just to establish contact with others who share your interest. Thank you for reading.

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