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My eyeball keeps falling out of place

2001-09-04 - 9:40 p.m.

No matter how much tape you use to secure an eyeball in place, the thing is just going to dangle down, slant to one side, and eventually fall off.

At least, that's what the picture on the door leading to my room has been doing so far. I think it gives the "you're being watched by someone who's a tad unstable" effect.

There's also a picture of a miniature english butler watering a tree, with a butler standing on top of that tree's canopy watering another tree, with another butler watering a tree on top of that tree. It's a three-tiered effect that really caught my eye (also caught the one on the door several times).

Oh, and there's a picture of a terrier with a big branch in its mouth. It looks as if it is smiling, with its right ear perked up and the left lazily drooping down. The caption reads "our gift to you."

In any case, this eyeball doesn't want to stay up, which is too bad because it blocks the light coming from the hallway. Yup, an eyeball blocking light, whoda thought?

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