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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

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Getting it on: classes start

2001-09-04 - 5:27 p.m.

Muscles full of lactic acid sucks. I don't remember the human body, more specifically my body, ever being this rigid. But it's a vast improvement over yesterday.

I went to psychophysiology today. Incredibly interesting stuff, the likes of which I'll bore you with if I don't have anything else important to say later. I think I was too nervous, because I ended up having one of those "I'm fully conscious, can hear everything, but wait, I'm technically asleep" nights. Those always confuse me. I mean, you wake up, you feel refreshed, but you could swear that you had just tossed and turned all night and that you should be exhausted.

Although insomnia sleep has its advantages. At around 2:30 am, I was more awake than usual when I heard the sounds of heavy moaning and kissing outside. From what I could tell by the noise (the walls are paper thin), apparently a female prospect that I had spoken with earlier was making out with some guy. I wanted to tell them to get a room, but the whole episode was rather entertaining. If it weren't for propriety and the fact that freshmen and sophmores live with one another, there'd be a whole lot more loving going on across this benign field of Democracy.

Incidentally, there's a new psychiatrist at Oberlin, which is incredibly thrilling to me. I've needed a regular bout of meds for years for my learning impairment. Being able to meet with and have all of my drugs and hourly sessions be more or les free is a definite bonus. Go student health insurance.

I'm going to go by the arb now and catch sunset against the lake and forest foliage.

It's funny how volatile my emotional state is. Today I feel great. Tomorrow I may feel like plunging my head into a bucket of phosphoric acid. Then again, maybe it was all just post-vacation stress disorder and that damned amp episode.

Which reminds me, the guy wants to pay me 150 for my trouble and the alleged shipping and storage costs. There never were and shipping or storage costs, but I approximated for my own room. I'm an immoral whore, true, but I'm a slightly more wealthy immoral whore.

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