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Twice crawled on, once irked

2001-09-03 - 11:48 p.m.

I'm tired, exhausted, fingers having slightly improved over a span of hours indeterminable by those who just don't give a damn.

Earlier, I lay prostrate on my bed having just studied for the GRE verbal section. It came suddenly, bewildering my ass with the prospect of having to fuck with yet something else on this gods-forsaken day.

It was a wasp. The screen door to my apartmentesque living space is slightly bent on the sides, which means enterprising young insects can go in and bother me. Earlier this morning, a ladybug crawled in my ear like a Japanese tourist at a cheap Best Western. It was dislodged, I was ok with it.

This wasp flew around, landed on my drinking glass, then proceeded to my cardboard box o' drugs. Now you can screw with any of my stuff, or me, but noone touches my stash.

It seemed to enjoy the mellow vibrations associated with the hallowed receptacle. I placed the box in the hallway, swooshing a plastic bag at it to give it the impression it was dangerous. The wasp was smarter than this. Damn.

Kicking the box a bit, it flew off in some obscure direction. I went back in, resecured the screen door, and asked the powers that be for the 4th time that day why the hell I was such an amusing target all of the sudden.

I guess the old expression "don't kick a man when he's down" doesn't apply to celestially oriented beings. They probably get a tax break, too.

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