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Phat on the fire (geek ranting)

2001-09-12 - 4:23 p.m.

I spoke with the local learning and memory prof. today, who was reportedly my advisor for this summer's previous research. We've been holding a friendly correspondence for awhile so these chat sessions are pretty routine.

It was another conversation about my working for him in his lab and if I could do it for honor's credit. He doesn't have the time, unfortunately.

Finding the prospect of not doing honors horrifying, since I'm a masochistic glutton, I just emailed every prof. in the neuroscience department. The letter was long, detailed, eloquent, yet I feel somewhere in the pit of my stomach a vastly annoyed little gremlin, attempting to rip out my small intestines and use them as bungie-cords to pitch over the side of my navel.

I hate emailing authority figures, especially to ask them if they've got a few hundred hours to spare for me.

I don't even know if I have the time for this thing, all other activities considered. But I figure it's good for grad school, so I might as well suck it up. At least my eyes are open while running head first into the glass door of opportunity.

This is quite possibly the most banal post in weeks. There's my reality when I'm starving: academic.

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