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Go ass go

2001-09-20 - 12:44 a.m.

Damn, yo.

It just occured to me that since my presentation is at 12:25-12:45 tomorrow, I can't eat lunch 'til 1...and I have lab at 1:30...and a class right before the presentation. These are the times where I wish those punk ass yahoos would learn seminars and presentations are given on weekends for a reason.

I'm tired mainly because I've been re-writing my presentation. I only have 20 minutes, not 30...and I was crampt for time as it was. 5 minutes are supposed to go to Q and A. Well they can recognize and respect my trigger finger.

I just want to bitch for an hour at something. I thought about squirrels, but none of them are around at night. I have this old can of pringles with that head of an italian guy on it. He looks happy, maybe I can reach catharsis through him.

Now my ass must go across campus to print. See my ass go. Go ass go.

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