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Light beyond the windowsill

2001-10-05 - 7:35 p.m.

Today the rain fell down in reality. It's thick tonight, heavy droplets thudding against the ground. I've been running around in my sandals. People smiled at me now and again, yelling over the din that I needed shoes. Running at top speed, I think they barely caught the "but I'm already wearing shoes!" reply before splashing against another puddle.

They're pants, it's skin, they'll dry. Besides, I was having fun.

I did alot of work today, trying to catch up on the schedule that has recently reared the other half of its terrifying face. I severely underestimated how much I'd be doing.

But I received one of my wishes, at the least. At the beginning of the semester, I promised myself that I would do as much work as I could and slowly distance myself from my friends. This isn't the gesture of a loner..I love most people and good company, but an attention disorder makes concentration difficult. It takes me awhile to read and analyze things sometimes. I just don't have the time. Partly my wanting so, I never get invited anywhere and friends tend to keep conversations short. It hurts like hell sometimes, but it's either them or the work that will allow me to progress to the next step; the point is moot.

I was walking back to my dorm and I passed by the windows where most of my friends hang out. It's called "the quad," since four females from the group decided to move in together. It's a popular place, always very active. I think they were eating pizza and drinking. They seemed happy, care-free. I almost smiled for a bit as I passed by. Somehow I envy them, how tightly-knit and snug they seem. Life-long friendships in many cases; quite beautiful to see.

Tonight I'm going to try to focus on studying. I say try because people blare techno or some other form of music near the study lounges. Worse comes to worse I'll go across campus to 3rd world house. Crypts get more activity than that place.

Hope your weekend is a good one.

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