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Wake up, it's shell season

2001-10-08 - 5:28 p.m.

I'm out of my bloody mind. I have to be. Where did I dream up this schedule from? 5 classes and research? What am I, suicidal?

The thought just hit me. It's like finally waking up after drinking all night...except you're against a wall in a room you don't recognize, strapped down and supported with leather strips and brass chains, you smell faintly of noxema skin cream and sweat, and there's a set of coaxial cable clamps hooked onto your nipples; one of those, "oh shit, what in the hell did I do..." moments.

But I dug my hole and if I have to burrow to China, so be it. I've been working alot recently. I haven't even had my naked time, which is distressing. Sure I'm a guy, but clothes bother me. I used to wear a bathrobe around campus, but that upset too many people. Apparently now it's en vogue. Go fig.

I've been off for some reason. Maybe it's the medication or lack of sleep, but I feel damn lethargic. Like a slug with a morphine IV drip, if you will. I'm surviving, though.



We stop this life to bring you a sarcastic commentary. This commentary may offend ostensibly patriotic Americans. If you are offended, immediately discontinue reading and absolve readily in water. No squirrels were slain in the making of this commentary.



Apparently we've started bombing sections of Afghanistan in an attempt to establish a peace-keeping Yes folks, we've started our "war against terrorism," which, according to men who haven't realized they died a few years ago, will continue "for years to come."

This brings me back to the 80's, to Reagan. Good old Reagan. Always had something completely off-topic to throw in whenever the hard questions came. Reagan had this great idea he called "the war on drugs." Some senator dating back to the McCarthy era said we'd spend as much as it took and fought as long as was needed.

Now given that we've spent how many hundreds of millions of dollars and thoroughly failed to stem, but actually seen a major increase, in drug use across the board...

This nation just doesn't jive well with symbolic wars. Put some brown people on a map, we'll nuke the place to hell and then give them relief aid. It's the American way: to thrust ourselves into the affairs of other countries. To quote George Carlin, it's called "fucking with people!"

You can't nuke an idea. Oh sure you can kill the people who had the idea, but it'll spring up later. Terrorism is a fundamental reality that America has just woken up to. Since the world is primarily made up of heavily entrenched, centralized governments, what else can dissident factions do to forward their agenda? Protest?

Terrorism is a product of our age and it's the age that needs changing...maybe we can get that through spending billions of dollars and killing civilians...maybe we always need war to remind us of human foibles and from which to learn.

'Til then, I'm moving the hell to Canada if Bush even remotely thinks reinstating the draft for his epic little "war" is a good idea. I like America, but I won't be put in a field hospital by that man.

Silliness on all sides (and you know I'm getting hate mail for this).

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