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Travelling alone: sure, what the hell.

2001-10-08 - 12:28 a.m.

Some of you old-timers may remember that I planned on going off to Europe with RedMeridian around the end of december 'til the end of january. The plan is extensive, the tickets reserved, and the tour books slightly worse for the wear.

The trip itself could become more complicated, though, in good and bad ways. Red may not be able to come.

Red's mom has been ill for a little while now. She's an energetic and feisty mum, I can tell ya. She reminds me alot of my own, actually. We've crossed swords every now and then (mortar fire is more like it), but we're on good terms now. It's sad to think that there's a chance she could not pull through, but she's tough and she's got a pair of devoted, ass-kicking daughters (I insert ass-kicking for the sheer joy that adjective inspires in me).

So I could end up touring the old country by myself. The thought scares the hell out of me, to be honest. I'm not X-Files paranoid, but I don't ever give strangers or aquaintances the benefit of the doubt. Given all the places and ways I could lose my stuff..and times like the one where I lost a signed $500 check in a $120 jacket..I need to beef up on security measures.

Still, it could be really interesting. I was hoping to use Red's digital camera, but I may have to buy my own. I almost feel inspired to go at it alone, not only for my family now, who want me to do something other than research, but for Red and her mom. Yeah, I'm still going through with it.

Hell if I know how I'm going to do it, but I will.

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