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The yak on the barstool showed me the way

2001-10-11 - 5:12 p.m.

Cheap liquor feels damn good after a long day. The shotglass was warm to the touch, smooth. I ordered a few shots of Bacardi 151, chasing it with iced tea blended in that special New York style.

I could have sworn I saw a yak on a barstool a few feet down, but it was just a really hairy guy. I was pretty pissed by then, so it was probably the booze.

I looked around and saw middle aged men, students, gangstas from around the local area. Lot of stories must go into that place. I tried making up a few of them after the third shot. Didn't get past the beginning, though, just didn't have enough patience for it. Good reason why I still don't have a completed short story.

That aside...working all throughout today into tomorrow and then for the entire weekend on 5 hours of sleep a morning, I think I can finally get out of this mess. Sleep deprivation doesn't bother me much now. Haven't found a dealer yet, though there are a few leads I need to check out.

Getting herbal speed at college is kindof like getting hard liquor in a small town. Sure you know it's around, but the people who have the stuff don't show it, have damn little of it, or just don't sell it to you because they feel like being bastards. We have to distinguish between drugs for recreational and business use. There's a fine line between wanting to repeatedly scream "happy bunny, happy bunny" at the top of my lungs while laughing my ass off and working for three straight days in the librarial crypt.

I know there's an airhole somewhere up near the end of next week. A holiday, fall break. Some excuse to give the reins some slack and just float along on the current instead of swimming underneath it.

Here's to being able to breath.

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