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Rats and mice

2001-10-26 - 1:08 p.m.

Rats are incredibly feisty and, on the whole, sweet-tempered animals. Compared to mice they're quiet, don't climb around me while dangling upside down, and actually sit still...sometimes.

Then there was this one guy today. If you ever know a rat has a cold, stay the hell away. Let's just say the bugger could have been a spokesman for an ex-lax commercial. It was wrong. The whole scene was very, very wrong. We finally had to put him back in his holding quarters and leave in a fit of gagging.

Besides that, the mice continued to be positively captivated by my finger. The male rats, on the other hand, thought it'd be a nice introductory gesture to stick their butts up at me whenever I handled them. I know rodents and dogs aren't related, but I could almost swear. They received mighty amounts of stroking, in any case.

Animal research is a gem that way: you don't know who is manipulating who.

(Disclaimer: no rats or mice are harmed in the making of this research. The humans are another story)

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