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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

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2001-11-07 - 9:59 p.m.

Sometimes the people I love frustrate the hell out of me.

I had gone to have have a conversation with Miss E, seeing what had happened in her life and just exchanging the simple pleasure of a hello. Her room is a bit different, but she's still got her bondage kitty and dildo print desktop wallpaper

In general it went well. She apparently wants to start gardening and living in the absolute middle of nowhere when she gets the means. Can't say I'd ever want to be away from civilization and its creature comforts. Can't say anything much about the middle of nowhere except it's too quiet. I enjoy inner quiet. I prefer loud blarring conversation or insanely bad techno music otherwise. It's a zen belly button thing (inner, outter? Ah well).

So we chat and chat, she doesn't overtly say something disparaging in my regard (a plus and a good indication). Her roommate Omega Kappa came by, started to chat. Omega introduced me to all of these people way back when. She was in my intro neuroscience class, thought I was a "genius." Hey, even I need to laugh once in awhile.

So she came, sat down, and started in some amusing pseudo-drunk way explaining brain structure stuff for her test in two days. I was pissed. I don't have much free time usually. I get 5 hours of sleep on average. Having a conversation that lasts for more than 5 minutes with anyone is rare. And here she is, using me as a convenient study aid in her recalling test material (I've taken her class before and creamed the bastard).

I love Omega, dearly love her. Yet, the woman has no sense of timing. I sat there on the floor for another 30 minutes, just hoping she'd finally go back and study for this all-important test so I could finish the question I wanted to ask. I gave up and decided to leave.

And another thing: what is this obsession with mouthing or lightly singing lyrics to some song or another? Is this supposed to impress or strike me as funny? It's annoying, damn near aggravating. If you're going to sing to yourself and use me as a focus point, join a choir.

My conversation/free-time isn't much. It wasn't much, but I liked part of it. And now I work until dawn.

I love my friends. We all have to love our friends for the stupid shit they do sometimes, my monkey ass especially included. Love is saying "you're singing to yourself like a dumbass, but I love you anyway." And damn but I love Omega.

To end, forgive me but I need to be angsty:

God, whatever you are, if you're going to turn the screws, have the decency to use a sledgehammer to pound the damn things into my skull so that they don't jitter out and fall to the floor. Picking them up, putting them back, it's time-consuming.

I'll be a hardware store in no time.

Speaking which, that whole Manequin Organic Buddha thing is still going on. I think the sledgehammer didn't hit hard enough (i.e. a few of the screws are loose).

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