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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

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Salivation by eggnog alone

2001-11-25 - 8:16 p.m.

Pop tart ingestion,

Pages slide like spam on floor,

I am tired, yeah.

I never did have an ear for syllables.

Most of my thanksgiving break was spent not doing work. While this was good and somewhat relaxing, I couldn't help feeling guilty. Maybe it's an obsessive complex, I don't know, but I can't goof off without being my own mother. Freud would have a field day with me.

I still need to figure out what to do after the semester ends. See, the college has this policy that from the 23rd of December until sometime early january, I can't be in my room...but after this arbitrary january date, I suddenly can be. Whether it's just bureaucracy, or some undeclared centuries old dictum about celebrating the birth of Christ while getting drunk off eggnog, I dunno.

I could stay in Ohio. Now rather than laughing my ass off at the thought and disrupting these nervous looking people, I'll just put that idea on the side.

I could travel. In two weeks time I could very well find myself in some nasty section of Montreal, slurring together ruthless, uncompromising obscenities at the bar stools and occasionally the patrons. Not so bad, but still unlikely.

I'll figure out something.

Speaking of figuring, I still need to look for viable employers sometime soon. The idea of staying here another semester came to mind, which would solve plenty of problems..but then, the thought of being here any longer makes me a tad nervous and antsy..and by nervous and antsy I mean homicidally psychotic.

Three more weeks 'til finals. Three more weeks 'til I get kicked out of my room and no longer get to eat with the group. Three more weeks until this semester ends...

In all sincerity, I can't wait.

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