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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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God, Micheline Tire man, my sanity, Bob Barker: things you aren't likely to find in this journal? Correct!

2001-12-19 - 3:00 a.m.

It's 3AM...and you are Los Angeles. Or one of its quasi-resident members; close enough.

So there's this chemistry final. Trying to study for it, I've concluded, is rather like shooting at a rabbit hopped up on amphetamines: you see the rabbit, you know about how far it can jump, but when you think it's gonna move right, it darts left, scrambles around, and generally makes itself a damn nuisance while taunting you with its taunting type feature thingies.

This isn't Bugs Bunny, folks, it's the fluffy incarnation of Lucifer himself. Lucifer Cottontail; sounds like an English lord or a detective.

I do not have the time to devise of a thermonuclear weapon with which to nuke this critter. I can only pray I'm observant enough of its movements to shoot the bastard dead, thereby getting my grub on (i.e. not make stupid mistakes and have it go Holy Grail on my punk ass).

In my current state of sleep-deprivation and long-term caffeine overdosing, I've tried bits of talking here and there. I figure it's healthy to do that, sortof like walking for 30 minutes a day. What I largely succeed in doing is convincing people of several things:

1) That I'm the strangest, most confusing person they've ever met.

2) That I desperately need sleep.

3) That I should be writing for Rolling Stone.

4) That I owe them a 6 pack of Coke.

I don't understand four. Like war and Sunday night football, I'll let God sort 'em out.

I'm really tired...and ah...yeah....really tired. I had an odd day-dream today. I got my Chemistry test and it was entirely in Farsi. My chemistry prof., a white, upper middle class Jewish male, was now a short Arabic woman with Mr. T sunglasses and a leather jacket. She began chanting like those Near Eastern Pop sensations while we started to go over the test; definetely a post-modern expression of my need to get laid.

The experience is best summed by band names: Dead Can Dance, Oingo Boingo, Devo.

That meant nothing to you probably. This is ok. It really doesn't mean much to me, either. My existence is summed by the degree of how appealing the image of me asleep on my bed looks.

Fun fact:

the Protestant and Catholic Reformation, with the subsequent holy war in France and the 30 years war in the Holy Roman Empire was not only emblematic of the loss of Church authority, but the authority of the Bible itself as a means of engendering societal unity and offering Truth. Instead, modern nation states became sacrilized pillars upon which the respective citizenry of a given state could perch like seagulls and peck at one another in nationalistic cohesion and harmony.

Did I say I was tired? Ok, I'm tired and delusional.

A friend of mine just emailed me referring to me as Jesus. Now I've got this image me as Santa Claus crucified alongside the other guys in Life of Brian singing "Look on the bright side of life," while seagulls perch on the top crossbeam and peck at my head in rythm with the beat, squawking in C minor when we get to the refrain

Wait, there's a neon-colored fish knocking on the side of my head. It wants to sell my frontal lobe brain candy. It's chanting marketing jingles in Farsi. Damn foreign aquatic Avon fish!

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