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More studying for finals; pinknoise is my fast food Jesus

2001-12-19 - 3:28 p.m.

In honor (and fear) of my chem test today, I doubled up on my dosage of Wellbutrin. Noone knows how it works, but it makes focusing on things so much easier. Curse and blessing, I guess: free association and weird ass analogy are no problem for me, but screening things out is a bitch without the meds.

I'm really comfortable with this test. I've been going over more of the specifics in case my prof. decides to get cute. He's gotten cute on the last few tests. If I can beat him at his own game, I can pull off a B+, which would immensely please me. If it's not so grand, a B. I doubt I could less than a B on this thing.

My Christmas savior, Pinknoise, has graciously granted one more day of grace for me to take care of all the extraneous shizat around here. To list said extraneous shizat and introduce some normalcy into this binary acid factory (i.e. journal):


-Bedding for Dean (which partly involves putting said laundry in a plastic bag and tieing it with a few ponytail hairband thingies)

-Studying and taking a psychophysiology quiz

-Analyzing research data

-Committing way too many 1st degree misdemeanors for underage kiddies for road money.

-Checking out.

You'd think the last part would be easy. For some odd reason all of the student hall supervisor type people have this silly notion that we need to go to another hall right next to us to do things. These other people are of the same notion. The whole lot of them are bloody scragged in the head.

Synopsis of how vile the Chem bunny was will come soon.

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