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Going to!

2001-12-24 - 6:38 p.m.

In under an hour I will be doing something unexpected with Pinknoise and his mother:

Going to Church.

For precedent in Christianity, I've been to a Catholic Mass before. I felt very odd, like Tom Cruise during that exclusive party in Kubrick's last disappointing wet dream "Eyes Wide Shut." I stayed seated for most of it, not even attempting to look like I knew anything about the rituals. It had been in Pittsburg with my aunt and cousins, listening to an ancient priest incant about the love Christ bears everyone (I think heathens are included in that equation, well, before they burn in eternal hellfire or something) while a few translators quickly followed.

Being a heathen, I'm still not sure what to do. I think it's a non-denom. Protestant church, so I'll have some vague notion about what to do. It's funny: I know the words, but not the ways. Same thing to a lesser extent with Judaism and some Greek and Germanic Pagan rites. Almost too bad I wasn't raised with a religion per se. I think being a priest or trying to be a holy man would have been a good calling.

In any case, I now dine on yogurt and fruit, it being too late to eat anything else before we go. I've been eating quite healthy here. This deviates from my usual lunch and dinner of chicken, fries, pizza, bad soup, and some occasional cullinary deviation.

Right, time to eat. Have a good holiday season, even to those who aren't Christian. It's a nice time of year, being that it's a Judeo-Christian society and most of us don't have to work.

Have some 'nog for me.

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