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Funeral dirge service; burritos and pumpkin pie

2001-12-24 - 8:36 p.m.

The concert itself was nice. The service was more like a funeral than a celebration. Just a long set of songs in C or D minor. I've never been to an Episcopelian (i.e. Anglican) service before. I guess technically I still haven't gone to one. I didn't think anyone did mostly latin hymns anymore, but I've been proven wrong.

Imagine if someone decided to throw you a funeral on your birthday. That's what Pinknoise's mom commented on before we tried for a few Baptist and Presbyterian places. We finally gave up and went back home for pumpkin pie and burritos.

She asked me if I still went to church. I had to kindof dodge around the fact that I'm not a Christian. She eventually took this to mean I had "abandoned" the organized portion of it. Hey, ignorance is bliss as far as I'm concerned...and she made really good pie!

So again, have a great Christmas or at home family time...or special wages if you're working tonight or tomorrow. Blessings.

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