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God, chemistry, death by fruit

2002-03-06 - 9:36 p.m.

Spent vast majority of day reading chemistry lab...then reading chemistry book...then doing chemistry problems, all in preparation for studying for a chemistry test on friday.

Haven't heard back from Dr. Yomtoth (my research advisor) yet. I figure I'll let sleeping dogs be as they be. If I were dutiful and not exhausted and crabby, I'd do some research for it...or for that other research project. I should start on that thing. I have two other partners, but one's a creative writing major without much experience and the other isn't the working type.

Quick question: if you had to die in a particular food or beverage substance, what would it be? I'd have to go with a strawberry-pineapple smoothie mixed with yogurt.

Pinknoise was disconcerted that I shipped him the CD he got me. I sortof forgot about social morays (isn't it odd that you can stick 'eel' on to the end of that?) and how that could be construed as an insult. This wouldn't be the first time being pragmatic wasn't necessarily the best thing.

Haven't heard from Colleen in awhile. Her harddrive crashed hard and she (along with anyone else) knows that reaching me by phone is a lost cause. You could try between the hours of 2:30-8:30am, but then I'd have to hunt you down and viciously maul you with a wet noodle; fortunately I haven't yet needed to boil pasta.

People in back of me are planning a meal with croissants and the science library computer room. It's a first.

Speaking sortof of which, I had cheese quesadillas today. I told God I'd be pissed off at Him/Her/Them/It for awhile if I didn't get at least that for dinner, seeing as how I missed them because of going to a noon guest lecture.

For once, a decent dinner. Props to whatever you are, God.

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