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Staying out of touch

2002-03-07 - 2:48 a.m.

Walking into the co-ed bathroom, I sense someone there. I almost want to turn back, but I have my hand on the door; it's too late, I have to go in.

::narrative part::

Ever since I moved into this dorm I've tried not to speak to or look at anyone. I've been as politely anti-social as you can get. It's not difficult: I'm almost never in my room unless I'm sleeping or recovering from classes. People have tried, but I just give the single word answer treatment and my casual nod. Usually just the nod. All of my friendships are based off of my convenience. They have to be. There's no other way to do it and still adhere to my work standards.

But there's this one girl across the hall from me. Scotch-Irish descent, lip ring, free-willed attitude or so it seems, very spirited. Nice body, too. I see her often enough and, sensing something or watching her eyes for a glimpse, I feel like I have to keep up the hermit act even more.


She's standing there. She sortof smiles and nods at me...either because she's embarassed or she thinks I'm putrid; the look could go either way and I wouldn't be surprised by either. I'm ashamed of my appearance and the little I do to maintain it.

We respectively brush our teeth, I finish first, walk out. As I close the door behind me I say to myself, "" I can't, I'm an idiot for even thinking it.

I don't even know why, but I waited 10 minutes and then left a note on her door: 'You're beautiful and have alot of spirit. Sorry I never said anything before.'

Some part of me doesn't want her to think she's unattractive or not good enough; she's the opposite of both. She deserves more than silence, alot of people who know me do.

But you know the old spiel. I can't, I won't. I made my decision, right? I can barely keep up with school as is...and then this. Hopefully she won't know or she'll just be embarassed, maybe chuckle about it with friends one friday night if that.

I'll live to regret that note.

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