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Test, airports, pyrotechnic Fiesta Grande

2002-03-22 - 2:55 p.m.

This morning at 2:30 I finally decided to sleep after studying all day. It would have been six hours of sleep. The kids across the hall started in a few minutes afterwards, along with a rock/techno mix downstairs. Your garden variety selfish, utterly fucking obnoxious group of people who speak louder the more they're amazed by something important (like a tv program, or the shape of someone's ass...maybe even for no reason at all). That continued for two hours...and finally the energy drinks in my system, the music, and the talking (after I walked out and said something) all stopped.

So I woke up and felt surprisingly awake. The adrenaline had laid low, waiting in the bush with its buddies and a C-12 pack of whoopass. We detonated the payload around the time the bio test came out. Alot of short essay questions. A sea of blank spaces spread out before me, waiting to be colonized by the happy ideas breeding in my head like rabbits.

I killed the thing right dead, and in time to catch chemistry. Chem was largely incomprehensible. This is not new. I swear the man could double as a hacksaw for how his voice grinds through it all.

So all I need to do now is pack, take care of other loose ends, then see how annoying airports have gotten since the pyrotechnic Fiesta Grande. Aside from the arisen Christ complex Governor Bush has, I think this part pisses me off the most about world events.

Terrorism never gives us more practical solutions. The guys get killed more often than not, people get more reactionary, and I'm reduced to laughing at them with other obnoxious young intellectuals. I don't like being sarcastic all the time, but this whole world action against terrorism Axis of Evil thing begs satire.

I can't do anything but satirize it, it's terrifying. The idea that a C student from Yale who failed at everything he ever did in life is leading the free world against "evil," some of whose members are a tad shocked at the accusation (e.g. China), leaves me questioning the existence of a sane God. In a way it's hilarious...but only in a really morbid way.

That aside, time to be responsible.

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