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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

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Writing way too much for no reason; no sleep=blah

2002-05-03 - 3:47 a.m.

I'm getting too old for this shit...

I spent two hours today watching "Battle Royale" with Matt and a bunch of his friends in this tour de force screening extravaganza, located in the room where I half-awakeningly scribble biology notes. It was a good movie, but I really regret giving in and seeing it.

Regret stems from this whole neuroscience "journal club" thing. Allegedly this is easier than the last one (long time readers might recall that behemoth ended up being 25 pages). This one is still pretty small by my standards (11-12ish), but I still have the discussion section to murder into pulpy fruit bits.

Maybe one of these days I'll learn to do the expected amount and not something that makes my professor look at me funny. Oh yeah...there's that bio lab that requires alot of prep., too.

Ah well, extended naps are good for the soul...or something.

Update: it turned out to be 18 pages double spaced, but I turned it in single-spaced because my print quota is shot to hell and back. Not bad for 12 hours of work.

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