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Smearing it all over

2002-05-11 - 6:07 p.m.

Ok, this is more or less the first day of studying for these final finals. Sure I technically studied yesterday, but one lecture in three hours constitutes more of a mental jack-off session than really anything productive.

I'm almost done with the last Ecology unit about how humans suck. It's gone slower than I expected, since I keep getting this weird I'm-concentrating-too-much-and-straining feeling. Sortof like when you need your drug of choice to think clearly. They have discontinued Dr. Pepper and the original flavor blue bowl-cleaner energy drink at the campus grocery mart. I've been reduced to drinking coke out of a bottle shaped like a conical dildo with a picture of another bottle spurting a suggestively narrow stream of coke onto the very label. Do the execs. expect to boost their sales by tapping into America's repressed and undulating sexual desire to drink carbonated water?

Drug of ill-choice in hand (...given the above that sounds bad), I'm not sure if I'm screwed (and worse). There's 28 other bio lectures to go over for the mini-comprehensive portion of the final, which hurts...and then there's chemistry. The half-comprehensive portion of that doesn't worry me...well, except for re-memorizing 25 thermodynamics equations.

Now I would have a bullet in the chamber, as it were, if I also had my neuro test right after these. I figure instead of going three days straight without sleep, I'll incomplete it and take it the day before commencement. I mean hell, what else would I be doing besides laughing at graduates coming back and making asses of themselves downstairs at free-booze soirees?

But I need to eat and get my caffeine from something that doesn't remind me of penis...I mean Freud.

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