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Birds of a feather

2002-05-10 - 10:44 p.m.

Our last biology lab was a field trip to Chance Creek, a biology preserve located near the Vermillion River in Ohio. The settlers called the river that because of the red clay that was constantly eroded into it. Walking along the trails and by the creek beds, I felt nostalgically peaceful. It's been gorgeous ever since a few weeks ago: lush green grasses and shrubs pass into the plane of distant canopies, mirroring the hues with a thousand imperfections. The shapes of individual leaves, bark color, the way light plays with the air through different forest floor was a lovely time. The river itself had little whirlpools by the main flow, with some occasional wildlife splashing to the surface.

As we travelled back to Oberlin in a beat up yellow school bus I wondered about things. I sometimes begin to think of how strange it is that I'm here in this body and that I can think...and that everyone I see sometimes knows this. I can't explain why that's interesting, except that if you snap yourself out of yourself, the familiar is eerily no longer there. A large-breasted energetic young girl, Abby, sat behind me playing a paddy-cake like game with the person next to her. We had chatted here and there a bit before, since Abby and I know each other through mutual friends. It was nice to have an excuse to look into a pretty girl's eyes for awhile. A few other girls also seemed to be regressing back to grade school. I thought about my folklore class but I didn't bother listening to analyze the stuff. It's just nice to get off and away from campus.

At 5:30 I sat down to read email. No job stuff yet. This isn't good, but there's still hope. Liz and Bo sent off an impromptu dinner invite. I showed up at 6, chilled while waiting for Matt and Russ, then after they decided not to come we left for an appetizer dinner. Three egg rolls, a serving of dumplings and potstickers, rice, tea, a plate of spicy sesame chicken and water. I cracked horrible jokes and kept making them laugh. Ah I love it when I have an audience.

Around about that time we left and headed straight for this new cafe located on the third story of the accounting building in town. It's a weird but practical idea, having shops and homes on top of other businesses. Humans seem to take to the sky fondly, something about the arrogance of pretensious writers who think all we want to be are giant sentient birds with fingers. If the ending to Brazil is any indication, freedom is in the mind and not the ass of white pomo trash.

So long story short, third story has a nice view. Matt's new girlfriend Katie had invited us up there a day ago, something about wanting to buy us coffee and tea. The group of 'em seemed pretty chill. Russ was drinking some very good tea, some guy all of us know drinking french roast right next to him. This was a legit place: strainers, kettles, saucers, condiments, large cushy couches, cushy chairs and not so cushy chairs. Katie was unusually thoughtful and attentive, making sure everyone was beveraged and comfy. She was paying for the whole deal. I think it's one of those "so, am I good enough for your friend?" kinds of times. I don't understand courtship, I just document the patterns. Bo and Liz, Matt and Katie, heh, cute couples. I told them so out on the street as we were going off to see a movie. Liz gave me a side hug. I think it was one of those "you're still a reproductively viable male" kinds of moments.

After that we eventually found our way to a showing of "Metropolis." It's been out less than a few weeks in Japan and America. 24 frames a second hand-painted animation combined with CG stream-line and every Final Fantasy cutscene bit you can think of. A graphic orgasm in a two hour can. The plot was decent, too.

I figure it's the last hurray before throwing myself into studying for finals. I got an extension on one of them, thank God, so I've only got two on wednesday and thursday.

Matt wants to drag my ass to something else tomorrow. Must resist temptation to enjoy life...must resist...damnit...

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