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Bitching and ode to my lysol can

2002-05-13 - 12:42 a.m.

Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored...GOD I'm bored. I couldn't stand reading through anymore powerpoint lectures so I switched to the required scientific articles for a change of pace. It's not exactly thrilling (few things relating to unique factors influencing microclimate changes are), but it gives me breathing room, a place to escape to that really isn't escaping but feels like it.

Tonight I also had the most counter-productive chem. review session I've ever been to. In the course of two hours this man effectively tortured the material into something, some indecipherable chunk of shrapnel-embedded sanskrit that bled ignomy and wept stale PBR. And he seems so on top of it

I emailed the job type people again and asked them to be patient. Now I know that all of my profs. have or will send off the letters soon, but it still feels like it may be too late. Don't get me wrong, I'm a strong applicant, but I'm also a very, very late applicant in most cases (and by most I mean one). Even invitingly shiny metals are shunned if cobwebs and historical preservation societies loom about them ominously. Staying at home until something pans out is a good idea and the folks like idea. Cpttylor seems to think it's spiffy, too.

I also found out a way of accessing my computer and the stuff on it from another terminal on-campus. This way, I can download bunches of stuff onto my computer and read it somewhere else. A pile of unwashed laundry and 26 someodd glass and plastic bottles tenderly cooked in a 95 degree sauna complete with noise pollution and a nearly empty Lysol can tends to make a room feel cluttered. Now I can study in this new computer lab in the 'Science Building,' which makes me feel like I'm in an aquarium suspended in time. I can't explain the time part, but the two sets of glass windows on both sides complete with door access to a secluded rock garden is surprisingly (and aquatically) Zen for this place. At the least alot more Zen than the old growth crap forest in my room.

Ah my can of lysol. I bought you for 5.30 American dollars back in early november. For months you have slaved and toiled, briskly airating everything from shirts to pants to bedsheets to me. With you my bedsheets learnt how to practice the "light as a feather, stiff as a board" trick...almost literally. You made a barely habitable den of rank filth a virtual bachelor paradise of sleep and web merriment. Others shall come after you (with grad school you bet your ass), but I shall remember you first, most fondly, my first can of lysol.

So, do I qualify for 'degenerate fuck' status now? And hey, does the government have any aid programs?

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