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Ace up the sleeve

2002-05-13 - 9:49 p.m.

6 hours of review sessions today. Exhausting, but all in all productive. I'll somehow make it through the finals this week, but it feels like I need to stay up for a few days to really absorb everything. Since I can't do that, I need a strategy. I've thought of a few, but it doesn't feel right. I don't like leaving things to chance, especially something as critical as finals. Still, I wouldn't have had much more time to prepare even if I did stay up all night or cut corners with activities. I don't know if I've ever had it this rough before...though I must have, but I can't remember.

My last set of finals this week, with one I can take up to June 10th. Just a few more steps, just a little longer...then I never have to do any of this again. Even in grad. school you're expected to do things outside of research and study. Heh, they're in for a surprise.

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