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Folks coming in for graduation

2002-05-23 - 2:55 a.m.

With the college part wrapping up I move on to the transitory, but buffet-filled, period of graduation. There's the usual stuff: hoping, fearing, dreaming, blah. Enjoying last times with old friends, visiting my pet cemetery (favorite, that is) and the pine forests.

My folks come in later today. Haven't seen them for a year or so, I think. I honestly wish I was more excited, but it means that I have to entertain...whereas I could be selfishly pleasuring myself in watching movies and lounging with people. It seems so strange, these people coming in that I know so well but they seem distant. I'm used to being on my own. Guess I need to change that mentality slightly if I'm going to move back with them for a few months.

I still feel bad about that. I should be moving on by myself to something different, not falling back on the familiar. I had...have plans. Hopefully it'll be a short temporary, possibly pleasant fix. I don't want to end up like any number of drifting 20 somethings I used to know as a kid. Purpose makes life more digestible and you think a hell of alot less.

Ah grandma and mom, dinners out and trying to adjust. Just when I thought I was in, they pull me back out. So much for the "golden days" of college. Hm, should be "golden showers" or days of minimal psychosis. I don't think people value the security of their living hell enough.

I like people, honest.

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