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Karma police, arrest this duck...(re-edited!)

2002-06-03 - 3:24 p.m.

(We apologize for the unfortunate editing catastrophe, which has now been corrected at great expense and the original naughty paragraphs restored to their original naughtiness; the responsible writer, in both cases, has been sacked)

I have been abducted.

The course of events dictating this change of pace from mild tranquility to the bestial confines of a black leather interior occurred not but 11 hours ago to the very day of yesterday, which was in fact yesterday. Scott had brought over a rag-tag group of Hell's angels to help with the plumbing and other sundry odd jobs. The plumbing became the consuming task. Three grown men, a 70 year old woman and my mother's stark white feline were rapt in doe-eyed fascination, gathering around the Maytag altarpiece in intermitent shifts to inspect just what in the hell could make a dishwasher cease to use water.

I was of course oblivious to all of this. What I was not oblivious to were my peals of whispered maniacal laughter as I beat a game that had interrupted Lord of the Rings. Frodo wasn't going anywhere until I said so. I then decided to look around at various universities for more job prospects and, telling myself I needed to hook up my computer to get my resume to make any use of the action, ceased after emailing one person from Stanford. I also emailed the Princeton lab just for kicks. My weekly work quota overflows.

The masses of other people's things gathered around me, my 3 years unopened printer a reminder of the 16 boxes shipped in just the day before. Light and heavy tarps waywardly clothed crushed cardboard boxes like a European fashion show, boxes stacked underneath the backyard trellis and roof awning. From the other room my grandmother said with a lilt, "well of COURSE he's here, just a minute." Step step step, "[my name]!"


"Phone for you!" Reach, grab.

He was late getting back to me. I playfully reminded him.

"Hey! What the hell, man?"

Little did I know two hours later he would have me, invitingly crushed against his car, within his car. On we drove. There was a smell, a hint of something new. Freshly groomed animal stretched and surrounded us, dyed/died on all sides; tre sheik. We talked, I worried, I worried more, I stopped worrying. We made one another laugh. It was good being witty again and use puns.

He commented on his roommate constantly. I have my pet annoyances too; I could sympathize. I degraded a human being that intrigued me to go with his flow. After all we all need to get our emotional rocks off, and what better way than receiving an empathic handjob from a friend you can relate to? I am used to wearing conversational latex on my hands, it was not unpleasant. To playfully insult someone and demean them as a beast is a right of passage for good friendship. I am not oblivious to this. Hatred, or some tiny whisper of it, binds us like nothing else.

Later on we saw Episode 2 of Star Wars in a digital projection theatre. I sighed with every landscape panorama. I was in love the second time around. The whole plaza, the night was spectacular, two ill-dressed geeks speaking close to one another. Sitting down and eating fudge in front of the theatre, we saw two dangerously svelt women bounding up the steps with torn shirts that reached just underneath their breasts; we weren't ill-dressed quite like that.

And now...we chill. I like abduction, maybe because I am slightly oblivious to this.

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