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Odd dream

2002-06-22 - 11:47 p.m.

I also had an extended dream sequence today that I only remember bits and pieces of. For whatever reason or another I was travelling with a group of people, all of whom I found out were young punk-like vampires. I got a nasty set of puncture wounds on the neck. Vampirism in my dream was like a disease: I had only 72 hours before it fully took effect.

Over the next few days, which only seemed like a few hours during nights, I tried getting away from the weird parties these people kept having in this bus/trailer home like place. There was one girl who had an interest in me and felt sympathetic.

Eventually I scrambled away out of a window during the daylight and walked around the perimeter of some huge fairground. There was a girl sitting in a chair a ways off, talking to something or herself as I stalked off and managed to get someone to alleviate the disease near the last moment. I was going to stay mortal and I couldn't get re-infected. After that I remember driving in a car, by myself or with other people, to locations. I think this meshes with another dream I had a long time back, where I was driving from one end of the country to the other, on some religious quest to get back to something or someone.

I wish I could remember more. It was an odd dream.

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