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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

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Small update on writing

2002-11-07 - 2:44 p.m.

(at 4am this morning)

Sweating, toiling, mumbling insults at my computer screen. Just when I thought it was done, it rolls away; I move toward it, rolls away, over and over like an ancient slapstick comedy with a fat Italian and a wise ass meatball. And then, just minutes ago, a miracle: I finally finished one of my short stories! It weighs 3,700 words and is in relatively good health after editing. I'm not sure what to call it yet, but I'll think of a name. All I need to do now is subject my friends and family to it, ah the horror.

This accomplishment gives me hope I'll finish the other two behemoths. I've had one for the last two years, which is a little over this finished story's size...and another much more recent one that, unfortunately, will probably be skirting the novelette category (~8,000 words). Not a good thing, considering only novels and short stories have a big market...but I still love the big one most of all.

I'll write about everything else later on...but for now: who wants to help me edit this thing to death? Eh? Any takers? Come on, you know you want light-hearted fantasy humor.

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