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Diana, Jen and a few sets of night photographs

2002-11-09 - 2:21 p.m.

I spent most of the night and morning talking to Diana, a few of our friends and some others I see around sometimes. Recently she told me she'd found something nice to send to me and, surprisingly, my mom; wonderfully thoughtful on her part. The more I learn about her, the more she intrigues me as a person. I can't recall meeting someone that tries to help and care for so many people as much as she does. It's fascinating just to watch or listen: I can see myself doing or saying the same things she does to comfort people. The resemblance is uncanny.

I also talked with Jen, who was majorly distraught because a friend of hers threatened suicide away at a scenic outing. Fortunately the whole suicide situation was a false alarm, brought about by some girl who had apparently been stalking Jen's friend for awhile. We talked a bit and while things still feel strained, it's better/easier now.

After all of them had come and gone, around 2 or 3am, I felt this compulsion to take a long walk and breathe in the pungent mildew and rain-soaked tresses of neighborhood lawns and gardens. The rain that fell yesterday was uncharacteristic: pleasant, spluttering, continually falling rain; actual rain for southern california. I was pretty sure it wouldn't rain again so I decided to take my digital camera (a la plastic baggy), a pen and a pad of multi-colored notepad paper. The paper itself served it's purpose early out: I finally fleshed out a plot to a story idea I had. I think it's too Harry Potteresque, in that it's about a young man getting used to training as a mage of sorts at a college, but it has a sweet macabre feel to it with an ironic conspiracy in the middle.

All the meanwhile I was snapping photographs. I only take low-lighting, nighttime photos, which constantly aggravates my digital camera's sensor.

This is a stand of willows near my home. If you look at it right, there almost seems to be a hand in the middle left, extending from a huge bearded being shrouded in darkness.

Gutter river and streetlamp.

Manhole cover. I almost got the asphalt cracks and webbing around it.

Large toadstool, track-lighting lamp, eh, either way.

One of my favorites. Fluorescent light filtering through several different canopies.

Tiny lensflare.

Big lensflare!

Another of my favorite shots. The backlighting came out perfectly.

Backlighting less prominent here. The emphasis toward the left along that pillar gives it more of a temple than a canyon feel.

Then there's the 35 botched attempts at shooting white and red roses with low flash at 1-2 feet. And so finally, for your acid-tripping pleasure...

It was incredibly rewarding to get some good shots back; I should do this more often.

And now to run to market, buy 3 gallons of Private Selection strawberry-banana juice and get Diana a card for her birthday. Have a great weekend, everyone.

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