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Trips and more photographs

2002-11-11 - 5:59 p.m.

Near around this time next week, I'll probably be on a bus to Las Vegas to stay at gargantuan 115 story casino called the Stratosphere. I'm going there to meet a new friend of mine, Tiffeny, who wants to introduce me to the Goth culture there and show me around town. Rooms in Vegas have a delicious tendency to be cheap, but better yet she may actually be able to get a complimentary room for me (she used to do the photography for the lobby). Hell, even if not, I figure 30-50 American plus food and bus expenses for a day of photo-ops, meeting new people and getting to know her in person is definetely worthwhile; I've needed a trip like this (and an excuse to stay up for 48 hours) for months.

I'm also going to visit another friend on monday next week. He lives in Costa Mesa in Orange County, about an hour and a half from here. John's a wonderful guy trying to help pay rent for his crippled step-father and sick mom. Nowadays he's trying to get jobs without a work permit, all the meanwhile struggling with his twin about the periodic deluge of people that flood the house at all hours. I can sympathize: sleep gets to be a forced luxury for most people at some point.

Today's major screw-up is brought to you by me: I accidentally upset Jen by bringing up something that had hurt her. It was too bad, since we'd been having a great conversation up until then. I was trying to make sure she wasn't hurt still and things were alright, but periodically I just say the wrong thing. Sponsor: my foot in my mouth.

On the positive side, though, everyone who's read my story so far has liked it, so I'll touch it up and send it in to the Magazine for Fantasy and Science Fiction. I doubt they accept new blood off the spot, but it's worth a shot.

Something else I (and a few other people) liked were the dozen or so photos that came out really well last night:

This is Moonbeam in all his upside down unconscious glory. Mom and I get nauseatingly cute with him.

I just call it 'Glimmer'.

Autumn leaves on a road.

Asphalt in webs of uncertainty.

Two squart lantern posts flanked by a distant light.

'Lantern Angel,' dedicated to Nikki.


Pine tree bathed in light.

'Dragon Angel.' The top-most branch looked almost like a dragon's head and body, so I gave it more definition.

Trashcan and his friend.



'Manic Eyes'.

Either the city planning commission is from Narnia, or we've got a serious city ordinance issue.

Best wishes to you all.

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