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Dr. Zivago's Lab: Grettle is away while I breed 'fuckmasters' and write proposals

2003-04-30 - 12:47 a.m.

Things have been hectic in the lab nowadays, since I've been trying to write up those 1987 experiments like they were done in 2003, start a rat breeding colony and write up two full proposals (lab procedure, exact use of animals, etc.) for the Animal Research Committee. Dr. Zivago seems fairly pleased overall. I'm especially pleased since I figured out that these 1987 experiments are still relevant. Yeah, surprises me as much as it does you!

Yet, L just left for a family emergency for the week. Hopefully things won't go straight to Hell without her.

But most of you don't care much about the details of my job, so I'll mention 'Ai'. Ai is a recent emigree from Japan that decided to be an undergrad. at Mt. University; she's one of the undergrads that's been with the lab for a few quarters now. On monday she came by to ask if anything needed to be done. Somehow that evolved into both of us talking about our cultures, how that influences perception of race, the loosened grip our mom's generation in raising our generation and how all that impacted education. She wants to be a therapist, since apparently they have very few therapists in Japan; it's considered a sign of grave weakness to see one there. She inferred it's like the culture is eating itself. America is the worst thing that ever happened to that nation.

But more importantly, I got to talk with someone other than Liz on a friendly basis.

And tomorrow, we just may start rat breeding. Dr. Ziv wants them to "fuck" as soon as possible. After he said that he mentioned a fantasy about a UPS guy walking up to someone's door and asking for their signature for their 'fuckmaster'; apparently spam advertises these things often. What a strange lab I'm in.

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