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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

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Enjoyment and Impedence

2003-07-06 - 3:59 a.m.

I have not exploded into goo or pokemon knock-offs. I count the morning as won.

I spent most of yesterday (saturday) with Mom again, much like back on Wednesday. Fairly similar and nice days overall. There were only two real differences on wednesday:

1) I got a diagnostic/adjustment from my mom's chiropractor. Oh sticky-sweet God on a snowcone it was so incredibly wonderful. I'd had a rib and a few neck vertebrae out of place, didn't even know it. With every sharp crunch and crack I felt these immense pangs of relief. The guy even offered me a complimentary follow-up. It's good being poor sometimes!

2) It was about 90 degrees Farenheit and sporting crotch level humidity outside. I'd brought my camera along, though, so I kept rolling down the window to get shots. We were bumper-to-bumper on Pacific Coast Highway and some guy playfully objected to wanting no pictures of him taken. I missed shooting an observatory. Cheeky wanker.

Other than those two things, though, Mom and I did errands, ate out at sit-down affairs and talked about things I can't quite recall. We also had coffee. We regularly have coffee nowadays, you see. It's a bonding experience to get high with a parent. We're becoming popular at the local Starbucks, given that one of us goes in there every day now. I don't know when we suddenly became obsessed with a corporate coffee giant. We're mainly waiting for a Krispy Kreme to open up and offer what I can only describe as 24 ounces of casual caffeinated sex. We'll quickly become forgotten at the local Starbucks after that day comes.


So I've been having that lonely feeling more often these past several weeks. It used to just be when I was going to sleep or waking up, as if having someone there beside me would being complimentary--like snuggling after sex or getting shit-faced with no hangover after. And that's still how I largely feel about it, it'd be complimentary to date someone again. I'd honestly like to think I have a better idea of what I want so I don't get involved with another Erin (see 'cast list') or someone who's already attached.

At the moment, though, I don't have any prospects that are in California. I've tried the long-distance thing before, but that's not what I'm looking for right now. It partly ties into my wanting to meet more local people and do more social/group type things. In both cases I miss the physical proximity.

I'd thought that I'd slowly start getting to know people again through something like RHPS, but John largely seems too occupied to introduce me to anyone. Sure, I could strike up random conversations with strangers, but that just seems...impromper. I know that sounds utterly warped for Generation X or Y, but I'm very traditional when it comes to dealing with people I don't know...that and the fact of the matter is I'm used to being approached instead of vice-versa.

Next most likely place would be clubs. Clubs and I don't mix well for two reasons. The first deals with the fact that I don't have clothing that fits any one clique. The second being that I don't feel comfortable dancing as a rule. I have the spiritual/mental/emotional thing going well, but I'm extremely self-conscious of everything I do. In talking I don't mind that much--since I know how to speak well--but as for moving I'm usually too inhibited.

I figure I'm down to raves, concerts, museums art theatres in that order.

Raves: never been to one, don't fancy it'll happen anytime soon. I think I'm too old but I might be mistaken.

Concerts: don't have the cash, never heard of anyone meeting people at a concert.

Museum: this one seems to be a favorite suggestion among older people. Who in the hell meets people at a museum?

Art Theatres: doubtful, but who knows.

I've tangented some, but more or less it seems (and feels) like something'll will end up happening by a freak accident. It's how I usually end up meeting people. Bizarre circumstances. Stretches across all social and logical boundaries, even those thick introverted ones.


Photography additions (comments always welcome, good or bad):

Justice of the Peace

Comment: I wanted to get in closer, but I like how the distance makes him feel more anonymous. I was going for a lost and forgotten feeling here.

Half-Cocked 05

Comment: Sassy!


Comment: Slightly below the centre of the pic is the focus of the pic. Hopefully it's pretty obvious.

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