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A cold shoulder and progress

2003-10-08 - 11:11 p.m.

I feel so unusually weak today. Walking up an incline strains an inner fire along the breastplate of my thighs. My neck is out of place again but I think I re-adjusted everything else.

Managing all the new undergraduates has been easy so far. We got a good crop, I think. Dr. Zivago seems pre-occupied for the time being, though. He has these spells of forgetting that you exist or not paying it much mind. In a way it's comforting, because having a direct connection to a senior professor feels very odd and icky sometimes.

Still, I wonder how committed he is to taking me on as a graduate student. I really didn't like how he basically said "either you get in or you don't" when I asked him about getting into Mt. University. I'll ask him more directly sometime in the future, just to see if I even need to bother going anymore. If there were money, research or praise involved it'd be one thing..but lacking all three and hoping for a hand-up is idiocy. I'm taking off next week (maybe two weeks) so we'll see if he changes his tune after I'm not there.

As far as the GREs go, I have alot more to study in terms of vocab tonight. About another 4 lists or 300 words. At this rate I'd have 2-3 days to spare after finishing the list. I think I can include practice testing most of the time, but not so certain about practice essay writing AND practicing math problems. Maybe I can alternate. I'll see how it goes tomorrow.

I'm slightly less enthusiastic than before, but I think that's on account of the pain and the distant treatment I've been getting. I wish I could make it sound more flowery but I don't have the energy.

Well, back to work. Take care.

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