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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

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Well that's odd but mightily cool..

2003-11-06 - 5:58 p.m.

I took a practice test today for the alloted 170 minutes. There were alot of "Person X is know for which of the following?" questions. Those bothered me by and large. Yet, I must have been doing something right: I got a 740, which surpasses good and shoots into fucking incredible. Mind you I have a 100 pages to go in my book and haven't touched on social psychology yet, nor brushed up on statistics. I knew more than I thought I did, it seems. Maybe Selene is right: I've been worrying too much about it..which is funny because this test doesn't bother me much--at least compared to the last one.

Ah Selene. I had a dream this morning that we were laying down, holding one another. Been a few months since a similar dream happened. I didn't see her face this time but I knew--I mean, it is my subconscious, I have the home-court advantage. I woke up and kept thinking about that time we got drunk, years ago, where we came very close to percolation. She's been giving me alot of advice lately so maybe that's why she's coming to mind more. It's almost something of an infatuation--one-sided, of course, considering her long-term boyfriend of nigh on 2 years.

Instead of feeling high school about it, though, I just shrug it off. 1 1/2 months of studying and volunteer work'll change anyone's loopy conceptions about stuff.


The test is on saturday. I shall rock. I shall also update tomorrow most likely.

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