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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

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Gotta ask the answer

2006-07-15 - 12:49 a.m.

I gotta ask:

Is this the point where I get absolutely everything I want except?

Or is this a nostalgic prelude or return to the mire days, when bogfolk roamed the earthtone marshy wastelands and everything was cast in a fog? Where I would wake up to the sound of hundred foot worms slowly sucking on my feet through some brackish liquid I could half guess at. And I would scramble up some long dead tree as death and teeth roared beneath me, wanting to finish the job.

It's so easy it's too easy.

So I gotta ask the answer: what's the catch?

The trouble is when the catch is and isn't you.

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