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Recent Entries

Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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2001-07-30 - 1:02 p.m.

Back to reality for a small while. It's after noon; my friend's roommate is still asleep. I envy resolve like that on a weekday.

We finished watching "Trigun." Excellent series if you're into Anime. We're working on "Cowboy BeBop" in the increments of consciousness that my friend's roommate feels he needs to those moments, this series is superb. It's rare I enjoy a series all throughout without feeling like it's dragging on. This one is just...slick, really really slick.

Can't say much about reality in the here and now. It's peaceful, simple, and nothing is expected of me but that I enjoy myself.

My day planner can kiss my ass.

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