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2001-07-30 - 12:04 a.m.

What is value of something if you forget what you were measuring? Ever had that sinking feeling that you were trying to figure something important out, but the thought just kept slipping? Attention Deficit or Dementia, I guess damn near everyone on the spectrum can relate to some degree.

What's the value to me? Maybe it's nothing really, but a tangible knowing of whatever it is is nice. You can't describe it exactly, but sometimes you possess something of no substance that is more substantive than anything the material can offer you.

I wonder at people when they say this world is a place full of pain. I agree that it's a bitch thrice too often, but at least it has those smiling little key-chain accessories that jingle on occasion. Invisible, but not illusory, charms.

Maybe the value of everything is held by illusion, the thought that it stays constant. Maybe Greek ships with old dead captains are just ships, maybe they're a specific ship, I dunno. I'd like to think, though, that there are constants out there. And wouldn't you know it, they're the only bloody things I can't see or hear. Heh.

May we be as light and shifting as they are someday. Here's to our figments.

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