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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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Connection back up.

2001-08-06 - 10:24 p.m.

Life is glorious.

How in the hell things could get better, I don't know. I just got my modem connected up to AO-Hell and am burning along like a winnebago on the autoban.

You know those pornos where you've got some slicked up white dude cooly pumping away, smacking the person's ass every now and then as a sort of puzzled after-thought? I am that man and life is my bitch; smack dat ass.

No longer at work, I feel the funk, for I am listening to the funk right now. George Clinton rocks me...and now some hardcore rap...with a bit of new age to finish this MP3 section.

It is boring now and again, but it's much preferential to previous situations. I have my cats, my fam, and friends across several different continents. Live on TV, not recorded. I refuse to live VHS, and Beta can take a hike too.

Some more mellow vibrations. I went to my favorite restaurant, La Frite, and enjoyed some damn fine hot italian sausage (for once, not an innuendo). And then I saw her. I had forgotten her, but man, when I looked sideways and saw that lovely smile, whew, I remembered.

The scoop: 5'9, curly russet-red hair, usually in a top-knot like style, slim, with a smile that just warms ya right good. She's been a waitress there for about a year or two. Yes, she has a boyfriend, but he's...abusive...very abusive...and I don't think she can take it much longer. I really feel for her. I've had alot of friends with boys like that. Gives young men a bad name, I tell ya. Ah well, at least she thinks I'm really cute.

Why must it always be forbidden fruit? What dares me to venture into the China and Korea towns of love, wandering aimlessly in obscure foreign markets where we just don't speak the same language. Why can't I just go into the produce section and get a mango? Good gods, people, why not JUST a mango?! Oh well, if you can put up with the constant sexual innuendos and questionable imagery, I can too.

Oh yes, L's and G's...I got my hair cut! Gods, couldn't ya just die?!?! Yeah, me neither. I used to vaguely resemble Jesus in that I had long, silky brown hair and an old-school beard style. It's shoulder length now (my hair, not the beard) and, with my blue-tinted sunglasses, I swear I look like a beatnik intellectual. Ah well, at least I can look AND act pretensious around people that piss me off now. I'm thinking about going clean-shaven, which means no end of trouble with the female sex (I mean that quite seriously. I have a love/hate relationship with relationships, as you well know)

I have glutted myself on mexican food just now. Chili cheese fries...mmmmm....

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