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Holiday in Portland

2001-08-17 - 1:45 a.m.

Tonight was incredible. I did stuff in physical reality that was not only engaging, but was

I finally met up with my oldest friend, Adi, at around 10pm. Here I thought that our ring of correspondences for hanging out would come to naught...and right there, in just his style, he says he's coming over in 5. I highly respect anyone who loves impulsive excursions. Too many just sit on their ass or go to sleep at some obscure hour like midnight or something (I'm kidding, I kid because I love).

So we go out to Starbucks to chill. I have no qualms with this emanation of Satan: it is simply there. There were many people in our age range, which confused my cloistered little brain somewhat.

We chatted, we shot the shit, we kibitzed...can't exactly remember over what, but it was nice, just like old times. It's strange, me, I've changed by leaps and bounds even from a year ago, yet all of the old patterns and good moments come back when I meet up with someone from the old days.

I asked the time. It was 11:15. Still early evening in my book. We decided to go up to a lookout point we frequent, gazing in awe at the breath-taking view of streetlight gemstones scattered across the valley. It's free up there, removed from everything else I know about the area...but yet it's so close, like finding out your seat can be used as a flotation device for the first time.

He related some really great stories to me about past loves, college, etc. I gave one or two of my own, putting more of a comedic twist on them than what is probably realistic.

It was hard to talk about Miss E in the past, but tonight it flowed well and without reservation (see my relationship entries in "Who am I" to get some bare understanding). I remember telling the same kinds of stories about Lin last year...or was it L, or both...oh hell like it matters.

We have a tradition, you see. We inevitably see one another once every summer, agree to go out again, but it somehow never ends up happening. Either I'm out of town, he's out of town, etc. With this tradition comes a few other things: enjoying great vistas, talking about ex-girlfriends, and current ways in which life kicks ass and sucks.

I feel like I've come a long way in the past few years. I'm happier now than I was when I was a teenager. The whole love thing continues to explode in my face like discharged mustard gas...but talking to him, maybe there's hope for my ass yet.

I am off to RedMeridian's in the next 7 hours. I am psyched, y'all!! I haven't seen this person in what seems like forever and I've missed her so much! She's the recipient of my dedication post "velvet on the horizon" or something like that. She's someone else that knows how to have alot of fun.

So I'm doing that for five days, then coming back and possibly hooking back up with my friend to travel to San Fran. It's one of my old stomping grounds, esp. around the Oakland and downtown areas.

Life hasn't been this consistently wonderful and just...spiffy for awhile. Maybe my whole extreme mood swing, "wow, life sucks and suicide looks REALLY enticing, oh fuck, I can't, my friends and mother would haunt my spirit" moments are behind me.

It's a brave new world, kiddies. Time to put on my combat boots and get into the pit.)

Still, what I read from the book was very interesting and it occasionally flags me down for a drink. Maybe I can sit and chat with it now and again, intermixing it with dancing alongside some voluptuous wench of a good time. We shall see.

"The river is a mirror, for I cannot see the bottom. Yet, I am ashamed, for the bottom can see me clearly."

-Book of Wind, Five Books

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