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Hens, setup, more good food

2001-08-28 - 5:27 p.m.

Yesterday morning my mom and I went out to that spiffy restaurant by the sea that I commented on in an earlier post. I could be cool and add a link to get there automatically, but I have far to travel in the ways of HTML.

For those who can cut and paste without injury, however:


I'm starting to think this place doubles as a haven for the socially insane.

It all started as we sat down, perused the menus, and ordered an iced tea and water. The waitress seemed slightly miffed that I wasn't willing to buy an 8 dollar drink before noon. She smiled even more politely as we waved away any thought of an appetizer.

This was red flag #1. Not only did they want me all liquored up, but felt they needed to stuff me, inundate my stomach and small intestines with as many carbohydrates as possible. Perhaps she just wanted a bigger tip, but the combination struck me as odd.

As I broke fast with a fantastic bowl of new england clam chowder and coconut shrimp, a shrill sound cackled in my ears. It came from afar, reminding me of a plucked chicken or teenage girl having recently discovered her GAP coupon had expired. I looked up. Red flag #2: the bloody food was vehemently protesting or Rodeo Drive had moved to a few tables in front of me.

A bevy of middle-aged women, dressed in conservative casual wear, had found something incredibly amusing. Studying them for a time, I concluded all of those movies with Diane Keaton must have been partly true.

No drunk Joy Luck Club was this, however. As I listened on, the conversation dully thudded on about work and how bothersome it was. The most amusing part, of course, was that everyone found everyone else's jokes hilarious.

I'm was reminded of Robert Louis Stevenson, his addled, drug-ridden mind depicting a group of overweight hens barking, yelling, and generally being emotionally overinflated sacs of fervor while asking Alice to sup with them.

Red flag #3: fools are supposed to be dressed in vertically stripped pants with obnoxiously silly hats and stick effigies of themselves. This would have insulted any royal worth his/her blood back in the day. Fortunately my perverse sense of entertainment is far less discriminating.

We enjoyed the meal and the entertainment immensely, leaving a decent enough tip to satisfy yet another woman who wanted to get me drunk for money.

Speaking about comedy, the ass-tight blue short gnomes were about again, scuttling amidst the bright yellow streams of broken sunlight like Rastafied soft-shell crabs. These were not the coke head chipmunks of a few weeks ago, but mellow, laid back, almost like lizards on the hot concrete pavement.

We drove back to the house and I hooked up her new computer. Running through Windows ME was amusing and she seemed to catch on pretty quickly. She's playing an RPG game based off of the Pern dragonriders collection. The speech is really incredible.

I digress. Sushi made the evening culminate in a taste bud extravaganza. I finally got a hold of "The Seven Samurai" at blockbistro. This shall be my pre-dinner entertainment...besides writing for you fair folk, of course.



"When on surrounded ground, plot,

"When on deadly ground, fight."

-Sun Tsu, Art of War

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