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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

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2001-09-05 - 11:26 p.m.

It feels oddly refreshing speaking with someone who's younger than I am. Sometimes it just happens that someone I resonant with is experiencing what, to me, are only memories. It's a peculiar phenomena, how experiencing the same thing through others makes you remember it so well. Maybe that's partly why adults are so fascinated by children.

I've been writing to someone who is a sophmore in high school right now. She's very intelligent, capable, energetic, and an actually decent human-being (hell of a rarity for me).

Just talking about her day to me is so incredibly special, but I can't explain why. The details, the enthusiasm, the reminds me of when I was young.

Heh, now I'm the adult. God that's so bizarre. When did I ever become one? I think I've missed the boat on a few rivers to cynicism and adult life. That is, I tend to think not having a face leads to the inability of not losing face, so machismo or self-esteem pecking orders don't bother me much anymore.

Maybe it's like describing the "modern" or "post-modern" world: sortof depends on where you're coming from. They can chop it off at some point, but in reality it was a gradual transition, never really losing the roots.

I'm waxing philosophical again.

Back to the letters, it's just...really nice to listen to someone younger speak about their life. Or maybe she's just special in some way and I pick up on that. Perhaps both.

Really good friends come in the most unexpectedly beautiful ways.

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