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hiking=good thing

2001-09-27 - 3:00 a.m.

I figure with all of this reason going on around me, I need to find a bit of pause and re-adjust myself with my other, er, selves.

One of these selves has this thing for nature. More specifically, I have this thing for walking through, around, and about nature. Sitting and communing with nature leads to bugs in books, blanket, or brandy, the three b's I tend to hold sacred (which discludes bugs).

In any case, as some of you know, I like to occasionally go out by the arboretum and walk along the rougher paths for a few hours. I have a mild phobia of spiders, so I haven't gone into the really thick sections. I don't mind them, but walking into webs conjures up not so pleasant images.

Anyway, to fell two birds with one stone, I'm inviting a goodly portion of people I know for an excursion on friday. I feel like I haven't spent alot of time with most of them, that I should share a bit of myself as a sortof consolation to being busy and distant.

I figure I'll get the usual 3-5 people who go out with me on these jaunts, so it should be intimate.

Besides that, I'm continuing my studies with Jewish mysticism alongside everything else. It's strange when you actually use mysticism as opposed to studying it. I didn't feel much the last time I engaged in the meditations and visualizations, but the philosophical whatnot between people was interesting last class.

I'm still not sure if one is tapping into the unconscious mind and relaxing some fronto-parietal area for physical awareness by these exercises...or if we really do touch something more celestial. In either case, it works, hm?

(((Those who find neuroscience boring can stop reading. This is me being a geek.)))

In the morning I'm finally going to peg down my research plan. It involves training mice and eventually breeding them to knock out genes that code for long-term memory. I'm hoping that I can shape them for maze-bazed tests, since the rats in the lab are used to maze-based tests and we want to do comparative learning curves for the two types of critters.

I don't know where I'll find time for it, but I'll manage. Hell, I got 4-5 hours on average my freshman year. I'm young, I can take it...I think.

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