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Meds; I like my uncle

2001-09-28 - 5:09 p.m.

Today I did errands from 10 'til 5pm.

Basic breakdown:

10-11: time with shrink. I'm finally going to get my meds. They couldn't have possibly come at a better time. Not only will concentrating be easier, but I constantly won't be plagued by all of these shadows of the past, these poor people shambling past my mind's eye in filthy grey rags. No more pointing fingers, no condemnation, no more judgement against myself for the demons I've created and purged. Just me, just peace, brilliantly boring, thoroughly bland peace of mind.

11:00-3:30 : Class. Decent discussions all around. Learned how to make a carbonated beverage with swamp gas. Plush lushness, yo.

3:30-4:30 : stopped by career services and got the low down on available internships in biopsychology. There ain't jack except for at the University level, so it looks like I'm whoring myself to a selective audience. Ah well, at least I'm luxury goods.

4:30-5:30 : more meetings, some discussion, trying to get this research approved of by the college. Bureaucracy is a three-uddered torrential cow with it's fat, globular drops of black and white regulations pelting me in the head. Black and white and red all over, the tape just tight enough to asfixiate me lovingly. I adore you, bureaucracy.

So there's banality in paradise.

I'm so incredibly thrilled to be getting medication. Maybe I can actually function like a normal human-being: to be able to focus whenever I wanted, to better manage these emotional torrents, to not have to listen to voices from the past ridicule me constantly.

Incidentally, for one individual in particular: I have your IP address; gold membership and two site meters makes for a grand screening process.

If you continue to harass me, I've got an uncle in Washington who works for a subsidiary branch of the Department of Justice's internet regulation division. Given the fact I've saved all of your...comments, as well as received verification of said comments as having originated at, I could potentially have you charged for libel and slander in a court of law.

I have evidence of malicious intent, and considering Rogers v. Florida State (1999), I have precedent.

The best part: the feds do it for me, lawyers and all.

So if you please, do detract from your current activity or expect to be traced and notified. After all, I'm sure your family, who is paying for what is I'm sure a worthwhile education, would be thrilled to learn exactly why you were being sued and tried under a federal court.

Thank you...and have a nice day.

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