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North Olmstead: a mission from God..sorta

2001-11-22 - 11:40 a.m.

Yesterday was the beginning of thanksgiving break. Just had to get through two classes, two little deserted expanses of tumbleweeds and organic molecules singing off-key advertising jingles.

We finally got our 3rd chem test back. I haven't looked at it yet, nor will I any time soon. I mean, I'm happy, why ruin a good thing?

Students abounded on all sides like frantic lemmings as waves of cars and taxis came to ferry them off into the darkness. By 8pm, it was a ghost town complete with foggy expanses and orange limelight alcoves. I sat down and just played computer games for hours while downloading MP3's. Sure it sounds boring as hell, but I like boring; comparative to work, I adore boring.

My friend Alec is the only one left around here. We've made plans to carry out my three year standing tradition: eat bad Chinese on thanksgiving. It'll be nice actually eating with someone on turkey day.

Sometime late in the night I decided to stop by Matt's place. He's a younger reflection of what I'd like to be: martial arts savvy, hip, and sly as all hell. He was really depressed yesterday, so after talking it up for awhile he agreed to give me the low-down today. Bad juju in the dating department, mostly. That's a section of Talbot's my ass ain't even going to windowshop at.

So we shoot the shit for a little while longer and I go off to find Alec. I figure I might as well socialize while I have the time, right?

He was chilling in the computer lab, attempting to compile C code. I knocked, he came around and let me in, and after awhile tried throwing a few code ideas off me. Now I know next to nothing about programming, so it was more of an educational lecture than anything.

He was supposed to fax something in North Olmstead, which sounds about as small and far away as it actually is. First, though, we had to get our grub on. We drove over to Elyria to get some Taco Bell. The fact that we have to drive into another town to get food after 10pm amuses and bothers me at the same time. I'm from suburban Los Angeles, so not having 5 shopping malls within 10 minutes driving time seems weird.

So after two quesadillas and a stop at Dunkin' Donuts, we're off. I've always loved riding in cars. There's something about being able to look at all these passing buildings, people, and just wonder about them, what's inside of them. I looked off at the stars overhead as King Missle softly blarred in the background, reminding all of us that love is wonderful and not like hordes of dead pigs festering in the desert.

Kinkos was closed. This pissed Alec off something fierce. Apparently taking up any part of time on Thanksgiving is prosecutable by death, so they closed the store at 11pm. At 2:30am, we suddenly decided to pull over and chill for awhile, listening to old metal as the moon overhead drooped down like a giant pale testicle in the sky. The air was calm, everything around just quiet and peaceful.

We drove back as I shivered from his open window. It was the only way he was keeping awake. I dozed off fitfully now and again. We finally came back, mumbled our goodbyes, and I promptly crashed.

I should go eat now. Yeah. Be well.

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