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Sleepy annoyance appendage

2001-11-27 - 10:10 a.m.

Some mornings you seem to have two heads and three legs that move at cross purposes. I vaguely feel like a two-headed ostrich trying to stick one head in the ground while the other sprints to harass some poor tourist.

Bitchy side

I woke up at 9 this morning.

I did this so that I could learn a technique from my research prof., since he'll be out of town this week.

My research prof. asked the head lab researcher if we could schedule a time to learn this technique. I had inferred he already knew how to do it.

We decided monday of next week. I start studying for finals next week.

I schlepped equipment for 30 minutes.

The bottom line, basically: I woke up an hour and 30 minutes early to schlepp equipment.

I'm too tired to be witty, just vaguely annoyed. I flail my disjointed annoyance appendage at you. Flail. Flail.

I am a geek. A very tired geek.

Semi-constructive, not so bitchy side.

I've bitched enough. Besides, the caffeine pill is sorta kinda kicking in. I'll have enough time to study for the three finals I've got and do this research thingamajig. I've also heard a legend about out Ancient Japan prof., though, that makes me happy. Apparently if noone mentions the alleged final he has given us a study sheet for, he will be merciful. That is, he will announce on the last day of class that in a dream, the spirit of his dead dog came to him and told him not to give us a final.

The man is a mortal god...and his dog kicks ass, too.

There are friends who are worried, in dire straits, feeling the burn like lactic acid in the thighs of some overweight triathelete. Red with her plays and papers, Mr. Seabass and the lethargy of dissymphonic insomnia (I don't know either), a dear sister whose school days look bleak and downright ass-nasty.

I sympathize. All of you helped me out when I was down. A hand on the shoulder or a boot to the ass, you motivated me to keep on going when waking up was a chore.

I dedicate my subsequent butt-kicking of this semester to you and the others, for let us not forget Pinknoise and his bad ass self. Your boot imprint lives on in me, dear sir..and I mean that in an oddly endearing way.

I'm rambling..I'm tired..and hell this is my journal. Oh, class is nowish. That's a good reason to stop.

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