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Resolution and that funny feeling

2001-11-29 - 1:00 a.m.

Had a long talk with Erin tonight. It's basically the same conversation we've sporadically had over the past year, only this time it wasn't contentious and actually constructive. We have different ways of approaching people and what is natural.

Most of the details aren't important, suffice it to say that she doesn't communicate how she feels because of other people hurting her. It's eerily familiar: people being distant because they don't want to hear something that might help them. I never thought of her as the healer type. She's taken it hard in some ways. I saw tonight why we're alike, but completely dissimilar. Still have alot to learn from that woman.

Something has been immensely bothering me recently, this constant feeling of deja vu. I've mentioned this before, but didn't think it'd continue. The moments are loosely connected, like frames of film looping through a projector. I'm moving toward something bad. Strike that, something horrific. It's not finals crunch time panic, just this feeling of immense foreboding.

I keep telling myself it's probably just in my head. Deja vu is supposedly a slight brain malfunction. It's not like full-on Deja Vu, though. Throughout the day I'll do something, be somewhere, or talk to someone and I could swear I remember doing something like that. Talking to Erin tonight, for instance..the exact moments in some places feel like an old memory, even if it only just occurred.

The semester will be over soon, and with that I think whatever this is will play itself out; just wish I knew what that was.

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