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Reversal of fortune

2001-11-29 - 8:57 p.m.

I had spent 13 hours analyzing the lab. The grade deeply stung me, but I couldn't give up. I knew we deserved something better than that for all those early mornings.

So for an hour yesterday I read over his comments to find some loophole, some discrepancy. I made counter-arguments about ambiguously worded questions, our reasoning, anything that had a small chance of working.

Walking in there I thought I'd barely scrap by with anything. 15 minutes later, our lab was one of the best in the class.

I had single-handedly taken something that shamed me to tears and made it worthwhile, even note-worthy.

I feel accomplished, better. I feel like I have a chance again.

But as I looked at his screen-saver blinking in the background, there was a stirring in my mind: Movement. That foreboding, starring back at me like a gargoyle. I need to remain alert.

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