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Christmas vacation sucks ass this year

2001-12-14 - 9:55 p.m.

I'm fucked. Ok, semi-fucked.

Studying for finals is going fine, but my semi-decent shot at going to St.Louis just got shot down.

Damnit, what is with people and going to see their families on Christmas? And since when is it such a private matter? I mean for God and several other celestial being's sakes, people, I'm not a terrorist or connoisseur of corpses. I'm an in-debt college student with repressed rage issues, a family history of emotional instability, and tendency to argue in public with myself..but it's not like I'm going to be crazy about it. I'm unstable in a civilized manner. I make sure not to get any on your leg..y'know, I'm a gentleman like that.

Where was, right. Fuck.

So I've got one last shot before shelling out over 250 bucks to fly back to California for 9 days.

She's a fan, folks, and I barely know her...and she barely knows me! Being that I have faith in the moral fibre of humanity in general...and the fact that I'm fucked 7 ways from Las Vegas otherwise...I'm going to give it a shot.

As much fun as being alone, drunk, and stoned on New Year's in Toronto sounds, I'm not nearly that adventurous about hitch-hiking. Sure I could take a bus to Ontario and then get drunk, stoned, etc...but where the hell would I stay? Hotels? 60 bucks a night so I can be another drunk American tourist?

No no, I'm far more willing to put my life and property in the hands of a couple I've never met and barely know. This is my wild side showing.

And to conclude this entry, what with my having used the word "fuck" more often than any other I've written...

Dang this sucks.

I feel better I don't.


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