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If we lived by porn logic and portrait of a male rat

2002-01-30 - 2:15 a.m.

Sometimes I wish life worked by porn logic. Time would cease to become important, the barter system would flourish, and I think there'd be a hell of alot less crime in the States. I'd still pay for gas and liquor, though. There may be some things money can't buy, but thank God it doesn't come from overweight creepy-looking men.

Speaking of strange males, I'd like to tell you a story, a story about a young male rat. Now after awhile in research you get to know the system, feel out the day to day routine: times you can sleep in, which meetings have free food, people whose balls you bust over work space or vice-versa. Animals and people come and go, days change, things stay the same.

I didn't think much of subject U at first. He was about average in weight, did moderately well at running mazes. Most of the other researchers thought he was a cold fish. I mean, I could sortof understand why. U had a sort of walk about him, like he was going through the park or out on a country stroll. He was docile, thoughtful, seemed to skitter here or there across my arms when I held him.

With most rats injection is like sex in a long-term marriage: quick and mostly routine. They take the missionary position, you're in and out fast, no muss no fuss. The researchers are usually more scared than the rats.

That's when U and I really met on that counter-top for the first time. Bringing the syringe close to his gut, he reach out with a hind paw and move it to one side. Trying again he'd do the same thing. Over and over we'd develop this silly dance until it was over.

Every day seemed about the same with U. I'd move the needle near him, he'd bat away the syringe. Time came when it didn't work anymore for him. Heh, I thought I'd finally have an easy time with him from now on. Then U started using both hind paws and grasping the syringe, just laying there in the palm of my hand, looking up at me impassively.

To the side- I lose.

Around and in- I lose.

Wrapping his head and torso in a cloth so he doesn't see what I'm doing and then moving to the side, around and in- I lose.

He was almost a zen master in the art of dodging. He didn't need to see, feel, anything. He just knew and he usually got the better of me. Raymi and his girlfriend Emily came in once and, seeing me with U, commented that the rat "had alot of game." I couldn't disagree with them.

The whole thing was funny in a way. Your work day is by and large automatic, but then little things come in and remind you how boring your job really is but that it can be different. Subject U did that for me in his own way, helping me concentrate and think for a change.

I miss him.

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